
Welcome. Dr Green Consulting provides professional psychology services in Australia to a select number of clients.

We welcome you to contact this practice if you would like advice or have a research query.

Dr Heather Green is a clinical psychologist, health psychologist, and academic. Since completing  her PhD in Clinical Psychology at the University of Queensland in 2001, she has worked in a range of roles in Australia and internationally across public and private health settings and academia. Her research focuses on quality of life and self-management for people with cancer and others who are living with or at risk of chronic illnesses. Specific emphases include assessing, understanding and managing cognitive impairments associated with cancer; and lifestyle management, such as optimising physical activity and nutrition. She also has experience working with children and adolescents, supervising students, mentoring psychologists, and coordinating large research projects.

Dr Green’s Professional Qualifications include:

  • Doctor Of Philosophy (PhD) in Clinical Psychology, University of Queensland 1997 – 2001
  • Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, Griffith University 2010 – 2011
  • Bachelor Of Science (Honours), University of Queensland 1992 – 1995

Dr Green’s Professional Memberships include:

  • Member and Past National President, Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy
  • Member, Psycho-Oncology Cooperative Research Group
  • Fellow, Australian Psychological Society College of Health Psychologists
  • Fellow, Australian Psychological Society College of Clinical Psychologists
  • Member, Australian Psychological Society
  • Registered Psychologist, Psychology Board of Australia